Permaculture returns to Zlarin

P1030068The 72-hour long course in permaculture design is coming to Zlarin this June, again.
If you were thinking about taking a course and you also want to spend 10 days on the seaside, this is a chance for you to combine both.
Permaculture answers the problems of a better and more meaningful life in these crisis circumstances, along with the questions on how to grow your own food, create energy or a house from natural materials. Along with the theoretical and practical parts, the 10 day course is focused on remaking your own living space on a sustainable way.

It will consist of the following “blocks”:


  • Introduction – I what shape are our society and its surroundings?
  • Basic permacultural principles: zones, sectors, samples; reading the landscape,
  • The ground: analysis and soil improvement, mulching, composting, organic gardening, forest garden,
  • Water: water in our surroundings, Schauberger, water collection, waste water recycling, compost toilet
  • Sustainable and natural construction, straw construction, green rooftops
  • Energy: principles and practical systems (wind, sun, biomass…), household energy,
  • Urban permaculture, solutions for the city and small places
  • Society: Decision by consensus, alternative economy, sustainable unions.

The last three days are reserved for practical work through which attendants will form their future projects. Educators are led by Ivan Gregov (permaculture instructor with the longest internship on Zlarin) and Damir Šeler (one of the leading home masters for alternative agricultural skills).

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERACourse attendance is also possible for the people from the region because the schedule will chime in with the schedule of the local shipping line. For others, first-rate accommodation with two meals a day and course schedule which leaves enough spare time for meeting Zlarin is offered.

June on this island is perfect to enjoy in the sea and is characterized with bonace (when the sea is quiet, serene and peaceful). Zlarin has an extremely large number of sunny days. Local beaches are empty out of the season. Add to that the quietness in the preseason on this island without the cars.

The course will take place from 13/06/14 – 22/06/14

Attendant capacity is limited. You can apply until June 10, 2014. For applying, questions or extra information about the course, you can contact us via e-mail:

Who is this course for?

jag ma5Those involved in gardening, building a sustainable home, wanting to leave the city, trying to figure out what to do with their inherited land or even use permaculture on their future workplace have truthfully expressed their satisfaction.
We recommend the course to those thinking about buying land in the future.

More about permaculture: